LIVE MUSIC, video shorts, stand-up comedy, and a rap video featuring Dr. James Bingham. What more could you ask for in an evening?
11th Annual Communication Awards Banquet was held Sunday night at Martin's Crosswinds in Greenbelt, Maryland. The banquet, always a school-year hightlight, is designed to highlight student acheivement and give communications students a chance to show off some of their best and most creative work. In keeping with tradition, the evening is full of video shorts, fake commercials, and 'public service announcements.'
This year's host,
Bobak Esfarjani - a senior print journalism major, introduced much of the programing and was featured in a short film spoofing Casino Royal, the latest James Bond movie. You can
see a trailer for the film here.
Check back soon for links to more of the video shorts that debuted during the Awards Banquet.
Labels: events, on campus, student life
THE CAMPUS MINISTRIES office of Columbia Union College is planning a prayer conference for this weekend, April 13 & 14. The conference will begin Friday evening and is designed for college students.
"Prayer Fest 2007 -- Prayer: Does it Make a Difference" will feature music, praise teams, and messages from Melvyn Hayden III, a youth pastor at Community Praise Center in Virginia. Read a full story about the event on
CUC's main website.Schedule of Events:
Friday Night
Phase I: Singspiration: 8:30 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. (Sligo Church)
Music: Amos St. Jean and Amber Bulluck
Speaker: Melvyn Hayden III, youth pastor at Community Praise Center
Phase II: 10:00 p.m. to11:00 p.m. (Agape Café) Come eat, relax, and enjoy the fellowship with music and poetry.
Phase III: Logos Sabbath School: 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (Richards Hall Chapel)
Music: Praise and Worship
Group Speaker/Leader: Melvyn Hayden III
Brunch will immediately follow Phase III.
Labels: events, on campus, spiritual
EVERY COLLEGE HAS an Alumni Weekend (you might know it as homecoming). We're no different -- and our alumni weekend starts on Friday. Get the details
here. And if you plan to come for part or all of the weekend, stop by the welcome table and say hello.
THE 2007 TRUEWIND Youth Leadership Summitt will be held on the campus of
Columbia Union College and Takoma Academy on May 11 & 12, 2007. The summit is expected to draw 1000 young people from around the east coast and mid-west. The summitt is again hosted by
TrueWind, an organization established by Dave Ferguson and Sergio Manente to provide new young leaders with the 'tools, resources, and guidance that will unleash them to become extraordinary.'
This year's summitt, titled
Crash Landing, will focus on turing mistakes into lessons learned. As you can see from the banner on the left, the subtitle of the summitt is: 'Mistakes...Inevitable. Lessons Learned...Optional.' This is the third youth summitt sponsored by TrueWind.
If you have more questions or would like to attend the 'Crash Landing' summitt, please visit the
Crash Landing website or email
Labels: events, on campus, spiritual, worship
A NEW VERSION of an old joke goes like this: Why did Starbucks cross the road? To get to the customers on the other side.
Not so much funny as insightful. The point here is that Starbucks has a business plan that includes opening stores across the street from existing stores. You can read a great story on this concept in today's
Wall Street Journal. But what does this have to do with college?
Well, a new study conducted by educational researchers at
Stanford University suggests that college students often make decisions about where to attend college based on...yes, here it many Starbucks are near the school. Now, that's oversimplifying the study to be sure, but the point is that location (defined here as 'is there a Starbucks close by') plays a huge role in where people go to college. Researchers say that the modern coffee shop is so critical to the 'college experience' that students want to make sure that the school they attend can give them that experience.
Not exactly the way your parents picked a college! So is this a good way to pick what school you are going to attend next year? Probably not. But just in case it is, we did a bit of research of our own and found out that there are 33 Starbucks within a 5 miles radius of Columbia Union College (yes, you read that correctly). Here are the closest few (and a
link to all 33 right here.)

Sip on that for a while, then leave us a comment and let us know if the 'coffeeshop experience' is something you identify with.
Labels: campus visits, Can Your College Do This?, restaurants, student life, washington dc
IT'S THE SURE sign of spring in Washington: the
National Cherry Blossom Festival. As we mentioned in a previous post, the festival runs from March 31 to April 15. A group of photography students from CUC will be heading to the National Mall this week for some wonderful photo opportunities. Check back from time to time to see some of the best photos.
The main CUC website also
has a story today about how students are celebrating spring on campus. The story is appropriate because today's forcast is for highs in the mid 80s. Of course, this weather isn't quite here to stay -- the the end of the week we're expecting temperatures in the 40s.
But we'll take advantage of the great weather while we have it.
Labels: events, on campus
BY THE TIME Sunday evening rolled around, most of the faculty and students at CUC were worn out! It was a great weekend on campus (you can read about it
here). The Keough Lectures sponsored by the Religion Department drew hundreds of people and the Tastes of Takoma and Open House drews hundreds more. And the crowds kept streaming in for the Honor's Soceity induction and the Acro-Air homeshow. That's a lot of people on campus for one weekend.
We certainly hope a few of you were able to join us. If not, keep checking back for upcoming events.
Labels: events, on campus