REPRESENTATIVES FROM COLUMBIA Union College are spending the next couple of weeks touring the Southern part of the country. If you live in the Southeast, be sure to check out the schedule below to see when a representative will be near you. Of course, you can also contact our office for schedule details. Call us anytime at 800-835-4212, email us at, or leave a comment on this blog.
Thur. Oct 26 @ 9:00 am: Madison Academy (Tennessee)
Fri. Oct 27 @ 12:30 pm: Fletcher Academy (North Carolina)
Mon. Oct 30 @ 9:00 am: Greater Atlanta Adventist Academy (Georgia)
Mon. Oct 30 @ 1:00 pm: Georgia Cumberland Academy (Georgia)
Wed. Nov. 1 @ 10:00 am: Forest Lake Academy (Florida)
Thu. Nov 2 @ 9:00 am: Greater Miami Academy (Florida)
Fri. Nov 3 @ 9:00 am: Oakwood Academy (Alabama)
Come by for a visit. Mention that you saw this post on our blog and we'll give you a free t-shirt.
Labels: enrollment, recruiting
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
THE WALL STREET Journal has a cover story today about the rising cost of a college education. The
story reports that tuition at four-year private colleges is up 5.9% from only a year ago, rising from $20,980 to $22,218 per year (by comparison, CUC's tuition this year is just over $17,500). Meanwhile, the amount of Federal money (Pell Grant) students are getting to help pay for college is falling, from $13.1 billion last year to $12.7 billion this year. That works out to an average of $2,354 per student last year and $2,474 per student this year -- a degrease of about 3%.
This may not seem like a very exciting blog post, but it could have a huge impact on you as you plan for college. Don't underestimate the importance of planning for the
financial impact college will have. If you don't plan ahead, you may find out that college isn't affordable for you. But if you plan now and work closely with
Financial Aid offices, you can prepare and make sure finances don't keep you out of college.
If you would like to learn more about college financial planning, please call our office at 800-835-4212 or email us at Mention you saw this story on our blog and we'll send you a little something.
Labels: enrollment, Financial Aid
Thursday, October 19, 2006
STUDENTS LEAVE FOR mid-term break today and they will depart with some good news from the CUC Board of Trustees. On Wednesday, the Board voted to have CUC continue to provide a four-year liberal arts program at our current location, just outside Washington, DC.
website has all the details. Scott Steward, our Director of Marketing and Communications, has done a great job getting all the details onto the site. Check back throughout the next couple of days for updates. Here's a quick quote from today's story at
The result [of the Board meeting] was a majority vote in favor of having Columbia Union College continue to operate as a four-year liberal arts school and fully implement its strategic plan. This means the College will remain an entity of the Columbia Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. The board also voted a four-point action plan to stabilize and strengthen the College for the future.
This is great news -- not only for our current students, but for students interested in studying at CUC in the future.
SELAH, THE POPULAR contemporary praise and worship music group will be performing at the Sligo Seventh-day Adventist church on Saturday, October 28 at 8:00 pm. Sligo Church is located on the campus of Columbia Union College here in Takoma Park. Tickets can be purchased at
The concert is part of
Sligo's New Community Fellowship -- a worship service that meets on Saturday afternoons and is open to anyone in the community. Speakers at New Community Fellowship often include CUC students and/or CUC Factuly and Staff members.
The Selah concert is sure to be popular, so make plans now. CUCblog will keep you updated by posting reminders as the date nears.
Labels: on campus, Sligo, worship
DOZENS OF YOUTH leaders were dedicated last Saturday at Sligo Church. Many of the leaders are students of Columbia Union College. Check out
Sligo's website for the story.

Labels: Sligo, worship
Saturday, October 14, 2006
THE SPENCERVILLE SEVENTH-day Adventist church (Silver Spring, MD) has a wonderful Evensong series that runs every few weeks. This week the series will feature the CUC Chorale and CUC's New England Youth Ensemble. The concert will be on Saturday, October 14 at 4:00 pm. The concert will feature:
- Kyrie from Mass in D Minor by F.J. Hayden
- Egmont Overture by L. van Beethoven
- Kyrie from Messe Solennelle by Louis Vierne
- Cantique de Jean Racine by G. Faure,
- Final from Symphony No. 3 by C. Saint-Saens
- and much more
The music program at music program at Columbia Union College is like no other in the Adventist system. In addition to great concerts like the one on Saturday, students in the orchestra and choir perform regularly at Carnegie Hall in New York, and travel around the country and the world.
Last summer the groups spent a month in Brazil and Argentina. In the Summer of '05 the groups spent a month touring England and South Africa. Other trips have included Russia, Europe, Australia, and China.
Can your college music program do that? If not, get more information about CUC's music program by contacting Peter Lombard at
Labels: Can Your College Do This?, music, spiritual
REPS FROM CUC will be on Columbia Union Academy campuses all week as part of the Adventist Enrollment Association's CU College Fair. In other words, all the Adventist Colleges will be visiting schools in the Columbia Union. This is a great opportunity for you to visit with reps from all the Adventist schools in North America. Everyone is welcome -- even if you don't attend an SDA school. Here's the schedule:
- Sunday, Oct 8: Blue Mountain Academy
- Monday, Oct 9: Mt. Vernon Academy
- Tuesday, Oct 10: Spring Valley Academy
- Wednesday, Oct 11: Shenandoah Valley Academy
- Thursday, Oct 12: Highland View Academy
- Friday, Oct 13: Takoma Academy
Come by and see the CUC table and mention that you saw this post on the blog and we'll put your name into a drawing for a free CUC sweatshirt. Don't forget, mention you saw this post on the blog.
Labels: academy visits, enrollment
IT'S THE WEEKEND and that means it's time to find some fun things to do in DC. I went to the Communications Department and asked some students for their top options for this weekend. In addition to the usual plans
(head to Georgetown, catch a movie, Sunday morning at a local cafe, etc.) some other plans are emerging. A sample:
- Eric Clapton will be performing at Verizon Center. A bit pricey, but worth it if you love Clapton. Call 202.397.7328 for ticket info.
- Hockey is back and the Washington Capitals have their home opener on Saturday night.
- The Duke Ellington Jazz Festival runs through October 8. Lots of free concerts and some at the Lincoln Theatre that you have to pay for.

- Every one's favorite street festival, the Taste of Bethesda runs all weekend. Bethesda is known for some of best restaurants in the DC area and this festival gives you a chance to sample all the food -- at really cheap prices.
- In the mood for autumn? Try picking pumpkins and sampling great apple pie and cider at Butler's Orchard -- just 20 minutes from campus.
This is, of course, just a small sample of choices you have for things to do this weekend. For much more info, check out the
Washington Post Weekend section.
Labels: events, restaurants, student life, washington dc
SEVERAL CUC STUDENTS went downtown Wednesday hoping to get into the Ethics Committee hearing on 'Foleygate' -- the scadal involving former Congressman Mark Foley. Unfortunately, the students were told the committee was not open to the public. What a shame?
Isn't there something about 'of the people, for the people, by the people'?
Labels: events, washington dc
Thursday, October 05, 2006
WHEN CUC STUDENTS hear that it's W.I.S.E. week, the new ones always get a perplexed look on their face. 'What in the world is W.I.S.E.?" they ask. It stands for Week In Spiritual Emphasis -- what most Adventist kids know as Week of Prayer. As always, the week was an opportunity to focus on something that can sometimes get neglected during college life -- our relationship with God.
Pastor Damien Johnson was the featured speaker this semester. You can
read all about the week on our main website.Labels: on campus, spiritual
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
NEARLY 400 STUDENTS visited the CUC campus last weekend for College Days. We're looking for feedback, so send us a message and let us know what you liked best and what you could have done without. Some of the early feedback suggests that the highlights included:
- boat cruise along Potomac (we had great weather)
- hanging out in Georgetown
- Jakob's Night concert on Sunday night.
Let us know. We want to hear from you. If you weren't hear for College Days, scroll down to the next story to see a full schedule of the weekend.
Labels: college days, events