Indie Movie News
Published Monday, September 10, 2007 by Blogger at CUC | E-mail this post

Check out the new movie "Chalk" at the renowned E Street Cinema in DC. This theatre primarily shows independent or little-known films, and at times, popular foreign films.
Here is how Landmark Theatres (which owns E Street) describes "Chalk":
"In the comedic style of The Office and Christopher Guest's films, director/co-writer Mike Akel pulls you into the frenetic and awkwardly painful journey of three teachers as they navigate one memorable school year. Mr. Lowrey (Troy Schremmer) is struggling to even call himself a teacher; Coach Webb (Janelle Schremmer) pines for some romantic company; and assistant principal Mrs. Reddell (Shannon Haragan) discovers her new power post is all-consuming. In a country where 50 percent of teachers quit within the first three years, Akel delivers an enormous dose of heart, hilarity and hope for America's most important institution."
Check out the showing times and the other movies featured at E Street and Bethesda Row (the other Landmark outpost)
here, or read the
Washington Post's review of "Chalk."Labels: Indie Movie News, washington dc