THE CLASS OF 2010 began arriving on campus this week and are now negotiating their way through the registration process. On Wednesday, dozens of CUC faculty and staff members pulled on neon-green shirts and helped the new students move into the residence halls. Meanwhile, the Enrollment Services office set up on the commons and offered sno-cones throughout the day. 'I think I made a couple hundred sno-cones,' said one student worker. 'And I also gave directions to Target and Wal-Mart about 100 times.'
On Thursday evening, parents and new students joined faculty and staff for a dinner in the dining hall. The dinner was the official kick-off for the GATEWAY 06 orientation weekend. The theme for GATEWAY 06 is 'Your Path. Your Vision." Check out some of the photographs below.
Faculty & Staff helped students move into dorms during The Big Move.
President Wisbey greets David Machin, a freshman from Redlands, CA (right)
An incoming freshman gets some help from mom as he prepares to move into the dorm. (left)Photo credits: David Miller (2006)
Thursday, August 10, 2006
STUDENTS TAKING UNITED States History I during this year's Capital Summer Session at Columbia Union College spent yesterday visiting Civil War sites in West Virginia and Maryland. In yet another example of why CUC's location is ideal for learning, 31 students visited Harper's Ferry, WV and Antietam National Battlefield as part of the requirements for their summer class.
In Harper's Ferry students followed the footsteps of John Brown, visiting the site of his famous raid on the arsenal at Harper's Ferry in 1859. Later, in Antietam, students toured the site of the bloodies battle of the Civil War. 'It was amazing to see site like Bloody Lane and the Burnside Bridge,' said Philip Malcolm, a student taking the course. 'Seeing the battlefield gives me a much better understanding of what happened there,' he added.

It's true, history is enhanced by personal experience. At CUC, that kind of personal experience is often only a short distance away. How about at your college?
Students in HIST 275 pose for a picture on Burnside Bridge at Antietam National Battlefield.