Wednesday, December 21, 2005

It's a new year and Columbia Union College has a new way to get all the latest news and information. It's right here at CUCblog.
CUCblog is an interactive site designed to give you an opportunity to hear directly from students, faculty, and staff about information that is important to you. CUCblog will provide information each and every day about majors, scholarships, social life, the cafeteria, sports, music, internships, and just about anything else you can imagine. But there is more:
Check back each day to find:

- student profiles -- including ways to contact each student through email to ask them questions
- daily journals
- athletic team updates
- restaurant reviews -- we have so many to choose from in Washington, DC
- photo galleries -- your way to see what is happening on and around campus
So check back with us periodically -- we'll be here with lots of fun information. And be sure to send us your comments through the comment page!